English Version


Denkwerk Zukunft - Stiftung kulturelle Erneuerung (Denkwerk Zukunft - Foundation for Cultural Renewal) was founded on 6 October 2007 by Professor Dr. Meinhard Miegel, a founder and former director of the Bonn Institute for Economic and Social Research IWG BONN e.V., and Dipl.rer.pol. Dieter Paulmann, the founder and long-standing CEO and subsequently the chairman of the supervisory board of the Deutsche Industrie Service AG.

The most important aim of the Foundation is a renewal of Western culture in order to qualify it for the future and make it generally applicable. This requires a basic change in the understanding of culture.  Denkwerk Zukunft wants to contribute to this changed understanding and at the same time furnish new ideas for a cultural renewal. The activities of Denkwerk Zukunft will be made accessible to the general public.

The Foundation is not incorporated. It is held in trust by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.




