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The Prosperity Quintet 2014

Measuring Prosperity in Germany and Other Early Industrialised Countries.



Since the publication of the report of the study commission of the German Bundestag on "Growth, Well-being, Quality of life" in May 2013 it is clear, that GDP is an unsatisfactory indicator of the prosperity of a country. Nevertheless measurement of prosperity is still dominated by the GDP.

For the purpose of a more accurate assessment of material and non-material wealth the Denkwerk Zukunft has updated its Prosperity Quintet of 2011, consisting of the GDP per capita, the 80/20 ratio, the social exclusion rate, the ecological footprint relative to global biocapacity per capita and the public debt rate.

The results are summarised in the report "The Prosperity Quintet 2014 - Measuring Prosperity in Germany and Other Early Industrialised Countries".

The Prosperity Quintet 2014 (pdf)

Selected Charts and Data

German Version

The Prosperity Quintet 2011 (pdf)